
Disabled, but not Disabled enough

I'm a damn hard worker. I've worked ever since I turned 15, and always put my all into it. I've done dishwashing, housekeeping, cook, retail… I loved my last job, but I had to leave after my chonic knee pain got too bad to stand for that long (drs ignored my pain for 7 years. I finally found out it's a fracture but that's a different lament). I thought I found something better. Work from home, better pay, better benefits. But it's a call centre. I'm autistic and have severe anxiety. My phone skills have gotten so much better, but not to the level it's needs to be. I can't eat, sleep, or do anything to function because of this job. I know I have assets, and I do bring value, but I don't think anywhere agrees. I have always been in moderate to extreme discomfort with every job I've…

I'm a damn hard worker. I've worked ever since I turned 15, and always put my all into it. I've done dishwashing, housekeeping, cook, retail…

I loved my last job, but I had to leave after my chonic knee pain got too bad to stand for that long (drs ignored my pain for 7 years. I finally found out it's a fracture but that's a different lament). I thought I found something better. Work from home, better pay, better benefits. But it's a call centre. I'm autistic and have severe anxiety. My phone skills have gotten so much better, but not to the level it's needs to be. I can't eat, sleep, or do anything to function because of this job.

I know I have assets, and I do bring value, but I don't think anywhere agrees. I have always been in moderate to extreme discomfort with every job I've had. I should not have to kill my body or my mind to make a living.

I called in sick today, but that's not a solution. I need a new job, but is it better to stay in this frying pan, or jump to another?

Capitalistic society has no place for me, and I'm being snuffed out.

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