
To what extent is the NLRB useful?

If one wants to organize their workplace, we as socialists flock to any means neceassary. The unions that have thusfar gotten the farthest, Starbucks and Amazon, utalized the strike & NLRB. I doubt that they could ever amount as a fix-all or deus ex machina, as in the long run the State is bound to rescind its power to be the mediator between labor and employer. What should we be aware of as their role in labor negotiations though? How should we make use of it? For how long should we rely on it?

If one wants to organize their workplace, we as socialists flock to any means neceassary. The unions that have thusfar gotten the farthest, Starbucks and Amazon, utalized the strike & NLRB.

I doubt that they could ever amount as a fix-all or deus ex machina, as in the long run the State is bound to rescind its power to be the mediator between labor and employer. What should we be aware of as their role in labor negotiations though? How should we make use of it? For how long should we rely on it?

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