
Do Executive Directors have to check the schedule and keep track of employees?

Background – small team of 5-8 people that work on a property that is half a block in size and 5 buildings at a not-for-profit museum. We have one Executive Director, and zero managers or supervisors. She feels that someone having a job title causes people to not do work they deem outside that title. This kinda makes sense for our organization, as everyone chips in to get jobs done…but it also means she is the defacto boss for everything. Scheduling, time off approval, managing front of house, collections, exhibit building, funding everything. She wants it that way. Issue – I drove a coworker to the airport at 330am and worked 430-12pm, after talking and getting approval from boss in November, and reminding her every few weeks. She apparently was blind sided by me going home at 12 and tried to guilt me to work till my usual end time…

Background – small team of 5-8 people that work on a property that is half a block in size and 5 buildings at a not-for-profit museum.

We have one Executive Director, and zero managers or supervisors. She feels that someone having a job title causes people to not do work they deem outside that title.
This kinda makes sense for our organization, as everyone chips in to get jobs done…but it also means she is the defacto boss for everything. Scheduling, time off approval, managing front of house, collections, exhibit building, funding everything. She wants it that way.

Issue – I drove a coworker to the airport at 330am and worked 430-12pm, after talking and getting approval from boss in November, and reminding her every few weeks.

She apparently was blind sided by me going home at 12 and tried to guilt me to work till my usual end time of 5pm. When I said the change was approved by email and changed in the master schedule weeks ago, she admitted she doesn't check the master schedule to find out where and when people are in.

My guys, let me tell you that she visibly recoiled from my body and facial expressions after admitting that. When I worked retail, I was a manager and supervisor in different places. I always knew where people were and who was in.

I'm now getting a meeting on Monday to go over job description and work hours cause of this. It's petty and it's stupid. We have no HR and the board of directors are her buddies.

I'm not sure what to do.

Tl;Dr Is it the job duty as Executive Director to keep track of scheduling? Because she's not a manager, and we have no formal titles, I'm at a loss of what to do.

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