
Previous employer protested my unemployment from almost a year. i have court appearance in a couple weeks.

So march of last year my employer wrote me up for performance. I was an engineering tech at a testing company. Paid around $35hr usd Ultimately they wanted to replace me with a cheaper employee. But how the hiring works, they cant lay off a position. If they lay off they cant rehire, because of company policy. So they asked asked me to consider changing jobs. Which would allow them to immediately hire a new person. I said no thanks ill keep working. Asked me to sign some paperwork i declined and wrote going through a tough time in my personal life and id like to take some unpaid leave. This must of thrown a wrench in their gears. They started looking for any reason. Anyways i started taking some martial arts classes after work to help mentally. Until one day i get a call at work. Saying someone in…

So march of last year my employer wrote me up for performance. I was an engineering tech at a testing company. Paid around $35hr usd Ultimately they wanted to replace me with a cheaper employee. But how the hiring works, they cant lay off a position. If they lay off they cant rehire, because of company policy. So they asked asked me to consider changing jobs. Which would allow them to immediately hire a new person. I said no thanks ill keep working. Asked me to sign some paperwork i declined and wrote going through a tough time in my personal life and id like to take some unpaid leave. This must of thrown a wrench in their gears. They started looking for any reason. Anyways i started taking some martial arts classes after work to help mentally. Until one day i get a call at work. Saying someone in the class had covid. I packed up and headed out and called i might of been exposed. HR freaked out and called me. Asked a bunch of questions about exposure. After i returned even more reason to get rid of me. One day my direct boss was gone for the day. I started working on a project assigned. I had questions, she wouldnt answer her phone. I carried on best i could. Solved the issue. Monday came and i showed her what i did even though it wasnt what she asked. And didnt answer the phone. Her solution didnt work. Following day i was brought into the office and told this was the last straw. I was done and ineligible for unemployment.

I said sure and left. Waited for my last check and filed. After a few weeks i got a flag for denial. I appealed, and employer never responded. I started receiving benefits. Though nothing of it. Was off for 2.5 months. Found another job. Been their since almost a year now. Couple months ago i get a letter saying i will have to repay unemployment due to employer protest. I appeal the letter like asked. Get a letter today saying the judge will me call in 2 weeks for a phone hearing. What can i do to prep for this.

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