
Health insurance gaps when changing jobs

I left a job at the end of March and started a new one this week. My new health insurance won't kick in until June. WTF? So now I pay out the ass for COBRA or risk it for two months. It just doesn't make any sense how healthcare (in the US) is tied to employment and even then you end up with gaps in coverage if you change jobs. (I fully acknowledge that this issue is relatively small in terms of impact vs. many of the other things discussed on this sub)

I left a job at the end of March and started a new one this week. My new health insurance won't kick in until June.


So now I pay out the ass for COBRA or risk it for two months. It just doesn't make any sense how healthcare (in the US) is tied to employment and even then you end up with gaps in coverage if you change jobs.

(I fully acknowledge that this issue is relatively small in terms of impact vs. many of the other things discussed on this sub)

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