
Previous employer treated me horribly, Now I get to be petty

About half a year ago I worked at a grocery store that was pretty awful, but no so bad that I felt I needed to immediately leave or anything. I was a bulk clerk but found myself promoted the dairy manager position within 8ish months due to them having no-one else to fill the role. I thought this would be fine, but we got a new GM at around the same time who was terrible. She would never admit she was wrong, she genuinely got upset at small things like asking a question, and even technically broke the law in how they treated me when I took 2 sick days off (Asked for a doctors note when both the company policy and law stated I would have to be out for 3 days before they ask for a note, and when i called her out on it said “I can…

About half a year ago I worked at a grocery store that was pretty awful, but no so bad that I felt I needed to immediately leave or anything. I was a bulk clerk but found myself promoted the dairy manager position within 8ish months due to them having no-one else to fill the role. I thought this would be fine, but we got a new GM at around the same time who was terrible.

She would never admit she was wrong, she genuinely got upset at small things like asking a question, and even technically broke the law in how they treated me when I took 2 sick days off (Asked for a doctors note when both the company policy and law stated I would have to be out for 3 days before they ask for a note, and when i called her out on it said “I can do whatever I want, If it happens again you will be in trouble.” Later on I got written up, and when i explained part of the issue was due to my absence leading to a larger order later on, she said “Its not my fault you were sick”). For the sake of brevity I wont go over all the shitty things she did, but within a couple months multiple department managers quit.

I could have gone to HR, but just decided to start job searching while also pushing back against her bullshit. I ended up getting fired because my schedule was change without me knowing which had me working on Christmas eve, my off day. she verbally agreed to let me work my normal schedule, but fired me for “No call no showing” (despite the fact that I would have hit overtime and have not been allowed to work that shift anyways). No big, I had another job that paid better lined up and started my new position within a week.

The fun part? Because I was fired on the spot, there is not A SINGLE person with dairy experience in the entire store, despite it realistically needing 50-60 hours of staffing. Over 3 months later, I saw a indeed post for that position meaning that have still failed to fill it. Not only that, but the job description mistakenly says “deli manager” despite the post being for dairy manager, they couldn't even get indeed post right!

So I made sure to apply, adding a cover letter saying “I'm not actually applying for this job because this is my old position, and it was horrible. Just let you know that your job description is literally wrong. Good luck”. I'm almost positive the person who does the hiring would be the manager that fired me. I truly hope she realizes that treating me like shit only made her job harder.

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