
rubbish pay offer this year

2020 we got 1.5%, 2021 we got 0 even though we were key workers working through the pandemic. 2022 they are offering 3.5% so a total of 5% rise over 3 years when cost of living has gone up 15% in that time and the company have raised their prices to customers by 10% alone this year and made billions in profit last year. Why don't companies value their employees anymore…?

2020 we got 1.5%, 2021 we got 0 even though we were key workers working through the pandemic. 2022 they are offering 3.5% so a total of 5% rise over 3 years when cost of living has gone up 15% in that time and the company have raised their prices to customers by 10% alone this year and made billions in profit last year. Why don't companies value their employees anymore…?

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