
Why are we expected to pay for services before we use them, But pay workers well after they’ve done the work?

Title. We have to pay for Netflix, rent, car payment, everything at the beginning of the month. But when do workers get paid? Every two weeks following completion of the work that they do. Why aren't workers paid before they do work? Has anyone ever wondered this? It doesn't make sense. If I'm going to work 40 hours for your company, then why wouldn't I be paid in advance? Think about that. That's insane. I will spend an entire half a month working my ass off before I even see a penny.

Title. We have to pay for Netflix, rent, car payment, everything at the beginning of the month. But when do workers get paid? Every two weeks following completion of the work that they do. Why aren't workers paid before they do work? Has anyone ever wondered this? It doesn't make sense.

If I'm going to work 40 hours for your company, then why wouldn't I be paid in advance? Think about that. That's insane. I will spend an entire half a month working my ass off before I even see a penny.

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