
Almost forgot who I should be angry with.

I’ve been working as a salesman/technician for 5 years, and for the last 3 I’ve been introduced to new hires and even some customers as the manager, but I’ve always been strung along “just wait a little longer as we restructure the other stores” when it comes to the official title and pay. We have a new hire that I just found out is making the same $15/hour that I do and is being offered to run our online sales- my main source of commission while foot traffic is so low thanks to the effects of COVID. I have to admit that I got pissed off and was pretty rude to the guy for a day or two, but my wife helped remind me that in this equation some other average Joe trying to make a living is not the bad guy. The real at fault party is the ownership…

I’ve been working as a salesman/technician for 5 years, and for the last 3 I’ve been introduced to new hires and even some customers as the manager, but I’ve always been strung along “just wait a little longer as we restructure the other stores” when it comes to the official title and pay. We have a new hire that I just found out is making the same $15/hour that I do and is being offered to run our online sales- my main source of commission while foot traffic is so low thanks to the effects of COVID. I have to admit that I got pissed off and was pretty rude to the guy for a day or two, but my wife helped remind me that in this equation some other average Joe trying to make a living is not the bad guy. The real at fault party is the ownership who thinks $15/hour is appropriate for someone who does as much and is as experienced as I am.

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