
Don’t work for Telus

As you can tell from my username this is a throwaway account and you can tell I'm not happy with Telus. For people in Canada you'd know about Telus but probably not if you're American. Just think of it as your AT&T. I'm not going to give out too much detail in case Telus could narrow it down to me. I've been working at the company for many years and for the better part of my career I've been pretty happy. Management was good and there's good career advancement. I haven't changed roles but I was happy with that. I make good money and I loved all my coworkers. After the pandemic we all worked from home and we're grateful for that. It was nice at first until the micromanaging began. At first I thought they just needed to do it becasue they can't see if we're working or just…

As you can tell from my username this is a throwaway account and you can tell I'm not happy with Telus. For people in Canada you'd know about Telus but probably not if you're American. Just think of it as your AT&T.

I'm not going to give out too much detail in case Telus could narrow it down to me. I've been working at the company for many years and for the better part of my career I've been pretty happy. Management was good and there's good career advancement. I haven't changed roles but I was happy with that. I make good money and I loved all my coworkers.

After the pandemic we all worked from home and we're grateful for that. It was nice at first until the micromanaging began. At first I thought they just needed to do it becasue they can't see if we're working or just chilling. They're worried we're not productive so I get it. We all improve our productivity and thought that was the end of it. Then over time we noticed more and more people getting pulled in for disciplinary action. Almost half my team had warning letters or suspensions in the past 2 years. It got so silly to a point where they would go back like half a year and say you're getting suspended for absenteeism. In that scenario my coworker had a family member pass away. In another case people had covid or other health issues. It was so stupid. We understand we can take short term disability but with covid long haul and some other health problems the issue could be long lasting but normally not severe enough to take time off. I was still functional but just more out of breath or need to take more time to collect myself. I just feelike I have brain fog sometimes. Management knew about my health problems. Fast forward a few months I get suspended for low productivity and they spinned it as misuse company time. I was so upset. I had self-confident issues afterwards and even got depressed. Bad to take meds and hated that work is doing this to me. It's so hard to explain this more without going into detail but how they suspend you is just so dehumanizing. I thought it was just me but later on I found out a lot of agents for suspended. Way makes it worse and what I don't understand is they keep suspending top performing agents. Me and a few people I know are over target. We were definitely doing well with sales and other important stats but then we get suspended for other things. We also noticed they keep targeting agents that have big life events (covid, health issues, family members passing away).

I finally decided to leave Telus and I urge anyone who's looking to join Telus to rethink their choice. What I'm seeing is Telus is trying to push our their tenure agents. We are in the middle of union contract negotiation. Instead of offering buy outs so people could leave with an incentive they're trying to stress everyone out and push people out. Unfortunately they are successful and it's such a shitty move. This will happen every 6 years and this time around my I hope my fellow union brother and sisters will go ahead with a strike. They're taking more and more away from us and the treatment is horrible. They're really good on paper (pay, benefits, pension) but the work place is so damn toxic. Another scary thing is I'm seeing a lot of managers leaving or going on medical leave. We don't know exactly why but all the good ones are on leave or gone. They probably don't want to do what the company is asking. It's pretty bad.

Anyone have similar experience with Telus?

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