
Started This Job A Week Ago And I Almost Quit Already

Started working literally just over a week ago at this fast food job I had to take for now to get my bills in order. So they have me on grill and they have me coming in early to prep, which, no biggie. But I get there on what was my literal 7th day of work and ask who the other prep person is only for them to tell me “nobody else, it's just you. we can't always have two prep people coming in which is why we trained you”. So I'm just like 😐 neat I hardly know what I'm doing. So I'm already annoying, doing what I can and my manager comes up and starts lecturing me about how I'm too slow and I need to go faster because we only have 2 hours and blah blah and I just wanted to look at him and be like…

Started working literally just over a week ago at this fast food job I had to take for now to get my bills in order. So they have me on grill and they have me coming in early to prep, which, no biggie. But I get there on what was my literal 7th day of work and ask who the other prep person is only for them to tell me “nobody else, it's just you. we can't always have two prep people coming in which is why we trained you”. So I'm just like 😐 neat I hardly know what I'm doing.

So I'm already annoying, doing what I can and my manager comes up and starts lecturing me about how I'm too slow and I need to go faster because we only have 2 hours and blah blah and I just wanted to look at him and be like “WOW it's almost like I've only been here a week huh?”. Honestly the more I stood there working, the more irritated I was getting and just wanted to walk out. If I didn't absolutely need the money, I'd 100% of been gone.

then to make it worse they put out the next schedules and I open every day I'm scheduled except for one night a week (the busiest) where I'm suddenly closing. Of course when I mention this to a manager (“yeah I guess they want me to close now too”) I get “ohh that's good! it's good to learn how to do everything so you can help out where needed”, and yet again I wanted to just be like “I have been here ONE week, I know ONE station and how to prep slowly and now you wanna throw in ANOTHER set of tasks?!”

I just need one or two paychecks and I can find something better. fuck fast food

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