
I’m getting sick of “test articles” as a freelance writer.

I have an extensive portfolio that covers a wide variety of topics and styles. I'm often asked to link to my portfolio when I apply for work, but then they want me to write a test article to “see how I write.” My work is right there, you limp noodles. You can already see how I write. I got recruited to apply at Talentopia for what looked like a sweet gig. I did their grammar test, and was immediately wary when their “submit” window was rife with grammatical errors. Then they asked me to download and review about seven documents to “learn their style” and then submit a test article that they kindly allotted me 3.5 hours to complete. I sent them two sentences: “I don’t work for free, especially 3.5 hours’ worth. Stop expecting free labor as part of the interview process.” Somehow I don't think I'll get hired…

I have an extensive portfolio that covers a wide variety of topics and styles. I'm often asked to link to my portfolio when I apply for work, but then they want me to write a test article to “see how I write.” My work is right there, you limp noodles. You can already see how I write.

I got recruited to apply at Talentopia for what looked like a sweet gig. I did their grammar test, and was immediately wary when their “submit” window was rife with grammatical errors. Then they asked me to download and review about seven documents to “learn their style” and then submit a test article that they kindly allotted me 3.5 hours to complete.

I sent them two sentences:

“I don’t work for free, especially 3.5 hours’ worth. Stop expecting free labor as part of the interview process.”

Somehow I don't think I'll get hired for this one.

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