
Update to “I quit my job”

Old post: I got a new job a few days after i resigned which is the same pay BUT I only work 32 hours per week. I start in September, which was something I wanted and they were happy to accommodate that. My new boss also said the new job is partly WFH, which is something I've been wanting to do for years but wasn't allowed to. Hoping that the new job will be better than this current. I wrote a lengthy e-mail to my old (current) boss informing her about my reasons for leaving which includes nepotism, favoritism, retaliation from her side when I've voiced criticism, her ignoring another co-worker verbally abusing me, talking about me behind my back, leaving me with doing the job of 3 people while training 2 new employees and now micro-managing everything i do. She just replied with a thank you. No apologies…

Old post:

I got a new job a few days after i resigned which is the same pay BUT I only work 32 hours per week. I start in September, which was something I wanted and they were happy to accommodate that. My new boss also said the new job is partly WFH, which is something I've been wanting to do for years but wasn't allowed to. Hoping that the new job will be better than this current.

I wrote a lengthy e-mail to my old (current) boss informing her about my reasons for leaving which includes nepotism, favoritism, retaliation from her side when I've voiced criticism, her ignoring another co-worker verbally abusing me, talking about me behind my back, leaving me with doing the job of 3 people while training 2 new employees and now micro-managing everything i do. She just replied with a thank you. No apologies or any type of further questions.

She did call me in for a meeting (didn't get any information about it beforehand) where she went through all of my work assignments. I said it's not the assignments that are the problem. She also claimed that there was an incident where one of our patients had to wait for 45 minutes to get her paperwork done to be able to go to the hospital because me and my colleague Sarah went on lunch break together (our third colleague Charlie was working but was stuck doing other things). Fact is it was the doctor, not us, who failed to follow protocol by not calling us and I told her that. I told her that i do whatever I want on my break because it's not paid and it's the doctor who has messed up, not me. I also told her i don't want any more meetings with her unless she gives me a time, date, the subject and the reason behind the meeting. At the meeting I kept telling her that me and Sarah have worked harder than anyone before us, she could've just taken a look at the statistics, but we have never been rewarded for that. My boss just said it was because of Charlie (brown nose) which is incorrect.

Sarah, who has also quit, leaves in 2 weeks and I'm not sure if I can handle all of this without her. Some of my co-workers barely talk to me and my manager didn't want to speak to be “without my boss being present”.

My boss is going to interview a woman on Tuesday who has worked here many years ago. I'm a bit baffled that she is not trying to do anything to keep me or Sarah. Last week I heard Charlie is going to college so he's also out by August. Out of 22 employees, only a handful of people have been here longer than me and I've only been here for 3.5 years, so the turnover rate is huge and the cost of training 3 out 3 employees must be also huge. Nobody else here knows our job.

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