(Keep your activities Legal & Cover your Ass!)
- Convince everyone to stop working for them.
- Force them to Unionize.
- Support Unions & help them Picket.
- Money is what its all about, so Sue the company for everything possible.
- Leak their secrets.
- Publish all Bigoted, Racist & Sexist things the company has done.
- Get the company kicked out of entire nations.
- Create global boycotts against the company.
- Cause the company's stocks to tank.
- Picket the CEO's & Board Member's HOMES.
- Wipe out all the assets and companies the Owner's family have.
- Expose horrible company practices.
- Leak the Board's personal contact info with the world.
- Call the Health Dept and Government for all their illegal practices.
- Sow chaos from the inside.
- Track company Board members and get them kicked out of their wealthy organizations and venues such as restaurants, golf clubs, theaters, etc.
- Convince their vendors to end contracts with them, expose vendors as collaborators. Target these suppliers: *Bathroom *Boxes *Break Room *Cleaners *Collections *Computers *Crafting Materials *Employee services *Financial *Fire safety *Food & Beverage *Insurance *ISP, Wireless & Cloud *IT services *Kitchen *Law Firms *Mailing *Marketing *Office & Paper *Package Delivery *Payment processing *Power & Water *Publishing *Tech equipment *Vehicles & Repair *Vending machines