
When people say “Nobody wants to work anymore,” what the actual fuck are they talking about?

Nobody has ever wanted to work. It's literally the basis of getting paid. If people wanted to work then labor would not be a scarce resource that you have to pay for. Why the fuck would I want to spend my one life on earth doing something somebody else tells me to do rather than what I actually want to do? If I could exist without working for pay then I absolutely would. If my basic needs could be met without working then I would never pick up a job just to have more money and I bet most other people wouldn't either. I actually only work because I fucking have to just like everybody else who has ever had a job in the history of employment. These people are liars. They say shit like the title as if they wouldn't retire in a heartbeat if they could. “Nobody wants…

Nobody has ever wanted to work. It's literally the basis of getting paid. If people wanted to work then labor would not be a scarce resource that you have to pay for.

Why the fuck would I want to spend my one life on earth doing something somebody else tells me to do rather than what I actually want to do? If I could exist without working for pay then I absolutely would. If my basic needs could be met without working then I would never pick up a job just to have more money and I bet most other people wouldn't either. I actually only work because I fucking have to just like everybody else who has ever had a job in the history of employment.

These people are liars. They say shit like the title as if they wouldn't retire in a heartbeat if they could. “Nobody wants to work nowadays” yeah no shit, nobody ever has and nobody ever will, people just need money to exist because ultimately if you don't have enough money to eat then you get less time on earth than if you sacrifice 5/7 of your days to survive.

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