
so they haven’t paid me

Is it legal for my employer to not pay after two weeks? So I was working at a shipping store Needless to say the owner made my life a nightmare creating a hostile work environment, and kept implying she'd let me go after knowing I can't work weekends for school and I told her I was getting a new job and I needed to cut my hrs there and at the time I was still waiting for my first paycheck and I noticed she hadn't paid me and I was like ?? What the hell and so I started my second job sooner than later and she basically let me go in person after she wasn't working with me and now I'm getting a paper check but she tried to say I didn't show up for a shift and didn't answer when my mom asked about my paycheck and made…

Is it legal for my employer to not pay after two weeks?

So I was working at a shipping store
Needless to say the owner made my life a nightmare creating a hostile work environment, and kept implying she'd let me go after knowing I can't work weekends for school and I told her I was getting a new job and I needed to cut my hrs there and at the time I was still waiting for my first paycheck and I noticed she hadn't paid me and I was like ?? What the hell and so I started my second job sooner than later and she basically let me go in person after she wasn't working with me and now I'm getting a paper check but she tried to say I didn't show up for a shift and didn't answer when my mom asked about my paycheck and made up an excuse

So I report her to the board and the other for hostile work environment I'm completely at a lost it's been a month and I'm owed a months paycheck as she didn't pay me in my third week

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