
Haven’t worked for a while

I haven't worked for a while due to illness. My illness is ongoing but it's better than it was. I have to keep my illness in mind when choosing a job. I have tried applying to a couple of different jobs mentioning my illness in the application for full transparency and I haven't heard anything back. I'm scared about working and that I won't be able to do it, because of my health and confidence. I'm scared I won't get a job in the first place because of my illness. I have minimal experience and no qualifications. I'm also disheartened about the prospect of working for minimum wage, especially for the rest of my life. My current government benefits are not enough to support me living on my own so I live with my mother and pay board, but our situation will be changing soon and I won't be able…

I haven't worked for a while due to illness. My illness is ongoing but it's better than it was. I have to keep my illness in mind when choosing a job. I have tried applying to a couple of different jobs mentioning my illness in the application for full transparency and I haven't heard anything back.

I'm scared about working and that I won't be able to do it, because of my health and confidence. I'm scared I won't get a job in the first place because of my illness.

I have minimal experience and no qualifications.

I'm also disheartened about the prospect of working for minimum wage, especially for the rest of my life. My current government benefits are not enough to support me living on my own so I live with my mother and pay board, but our situation will be changing soon and I won't be able to afford to live even with my mother. I'm not sure if when that time comes I'll be well enough to work. I'm not sure if I am right now.

I don't know what to do. I want to do something that I'm interested in and I don't know what that is. I don't want to live in poverty any more. What are my options?

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