
my solution, but far from simple-

In my opinion, this anti-work and great resignation movement is not about giving up having to work. It's about giving up working for “the man”. There isn't a simple solution unless we all become our own men/woman. What I mean by that is our work/labour is not given to someone else but to ourselves. I think sustainable living and self sufficiency is the solution. The complaint that no one wants to work is correct, but out of context… No one wants to work FOR YOU- but we all want to work for ourselves. Not everyone is sitting at home milking government assistance. I would like to think that a good majority of these non work returners have switched from working for you, to working for themselves. Living off grid, minimalist, not needing your employment. Those people are winning. If you want to be free, that ship has sailed, but this…

In my opinion, this anti-work and great resignation movement is not about giving up having to work. It's about giving up working for “the man”. There isn't a simple solution unless we all become our own men/woman. What I mean by that is our work/labour is not given to someone else but to ourselves. I think sustainable living and self sufficiency is the solution. The complaint that no one wants to work is correct, but out of context… No one wants to work FOR YOU- but we all want to work for ourselves. Not everyone is sitting at home milking government assistance. I would like to think that a good majority of these non work returners have switched from working for you, to working for themselves. Living off grid, minimalist, not needing your employment. Those people are winning.
If you want to be free, that ship has sailed, but this is the closest I think you can get to said freedom.

Find a local who is already living this kind of life, make friends with them, learn from them, being self sufficient is all about location. It is specific to what it actually takes to be successful because resources are location dependant. You may need to move to have a garden 365 days a year as an example.

This is the only way I think this community can break away from slaving your life away only to spin your wheels, get nowhere and suffer while doing it. But it is far from a simple solution- this life is not easy and you'll have to decide, what kind of suffering are you willing to subject yourself to? The grind every day for “the man”? Or … The difficulty of living self sufficient.

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