
I was yelled at by the boss’s wife for not acknowledging my recent raise.

I work in sales for a small mom and pop moving company. I started my job in 2016 at $16 per hour. I recently told the boss that I really need to be making more money, or I’ll have to look for another job. Over the weekend the boss said “we’ll raise you to $18 per hour”. I didn’t even respond. Yesterday when the boss’s wife came by my desk to collect my time card, she said “so are you happy with your raise?” I said “well I’d like to discuss it further, but sure, I suppose it’s better than nothing”. She snapped and said “well it’s pretty FUCKING RUDE THAT YOU DIDN’T THANK US.” I almost quit on the spot. It pisses me off that she thinks I owe her some big gesture of appreciation. Gas prices have absolutely skyrocketed where I live and I’m spending over $400 a…

I work in sales for a small mom and pop moving company. I started my job in 2016 at $16 per hour. I recently told the boss that I really need to be making more money, or I’ll have to look for another job. Over the weekend the boss said “we’ll raise you to $18 per hour”. I didn’t even respond. Yesterday when the boss’s wife came by my desk to collect my time card, she said “so are you happy with your raise?” I said “well I’d like to discuss it further, but sure, I suppose it’s better than nothing”. She snapped and said “well it’s pretty FUCKING RUDE THAT YOU DIDN’T THANK US.” I almost quit on the spot. It pisses me off that she thinks I owe her some big gesture of appreciation. Gas prices have absolutely skyrocketed where I live and I’m spending over $400 a month in gas commuting. Also, I pulled up an inflation calculator and it says that $16 in August of 2016 is $18.85 in March of 2022. So I’m STILL making less money than when I started, even with their raise. What should I tell them? I’m seriously one step away from quitting. I do get some commissions on my sales, but it’s laughable. We’re talking a penny on several dollars. It’s almost negligible. I don’t even make it to payday before my bank account overdraws. Any sort of healthcare issue or car problem would fuck me completely.

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