
Stop generalizing about landlords

Okay, people. I’ve seen a ton of comments recently posting about the shared loathing for landlords, and I think some perspective may help…. In the past, I’ve lived under some pretty litigious landlords, and let’s not mention apartment complexes, as those are NOT the same thing. My current landlords are a retired couple, one is a retired chemist and the other is a retired molecular biologist. They do all of the work on their homes, and when they can’t, they hire so that the work can be done. They’ve come out on a moment’s notice to fix my water heater; they live 2 hours away. I couldn’t have asked for a more reasonable setup. They have 2 others homes in my area (don’t ask, not telling), one of which has been recently renovated with a wheelchair ramp for the tenant that they did at NO extra cost. My landlords donate…

Okay, people. I’ve seen a ton of comments recently posting about the shared loathing for landlords, and I think some perspective may help….

In the past, I’ve lived under some pretty litigious landlords, and let’s not mention apartment complexes, as those are NOT the same thing. My current landlords are a retired couple, one is a retired chemist and the other is a retired molecular biologist.

They do all of the work on their homes, and when they can’t, they hire so that the work can be done. They’ve come out on a moment’s notice to fix my water heater; they live 2 hours away. I couldn’t have asked for a more reasonable setup. They have 2 others homes in my area (don’t ask, not telling), one of which has been recently renovated with a wheelchair ramp for the tenant that they did at NO extra cost. My landlords donate to the local food bank, volunteer in the community and are a combined age of 120+.

Am I lucky? Absolutely; to have found such reasonable landlords amidst a slough of scams and insane costs.

Are ALL landlords good or bad? NO, they’re not. Stop the generalizing. Some people that own property are not your enemy, while others most certainly can be.

If our work is that of an adult, let us act like one then when observing circumstances regarding how we are compensated.

That is all, scroll on.

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