
Manager makes hard work harder for the sake of it.

Context: Started working as a pharmacy assistant only last week and immediately from the interview and the warning my friend gave me, I knew the manager was going to be terrible to work with. Our manager was an absolute hard ass, who always made sure you had work to do, expected things to be done right away, and would put you on fucking blast if you didn't have things done her way. Thankfully only had two shifts with them before the manager took up a new admin job elsewhere in the hospital we work in. But over this past week, I have found out that: -They have ripped into the pharmacists in their first language so customers cannot understand the conversation. (despite the pharms being career profesionals with medical degrees, they still have to work through a plain old manager) -Butt heads with the owners of the pharmacy at every…

Context: Started working as a pharmacy assistant only last week and immediately from the interview and the warning my friend gave me, I knew the manager was going to be terrible to work with.

Our manager was an absolute hard ass, who always made sure you had work to do, expected things to be done right away, and would put you on fucking blast if you didn't have things done her way.

Thankfully only had two shifts with them before the manager took up a new admin job elsewhere in the hospital we work in. But over this past week, I have found out that:
-They have ripped into the pharmacists in their first language so customers cannot understand the conversation. (despite the pharms being career profesionals with medical degrees, they still have to work through a plain old manager)
-Butt heads with the owners of the pharmacy at every chance, mostly on menial shit like product placement and store layout, but when you're in a hospital environment there really is no time to be wasting.
-Using their relationships with staff all over the hospital to be bad mouthing the store.
-And for some god forsaken reason came into the pharmacy several times AFTER ending employment and AFTER starting their new job elsewhere in the hospital, just to give orders and “tidy up” the store.

Only dealt with them for a week but it was more than enough for a certified bruh moment.

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