Employers: We don't want affirmative action, we want to hire based on the best qualified!
Also Employers: She has an African/Asian/Eastern European/Etc name, let's not interview her.
Employers: We don't want affirmative action, we want to hire based on the best qualified! Also Employers: She has an African/Asian/Eastern European/Etc name, let's not interview her. https://preview.redd.it/o69wbe9tabt81.jpg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be88bcdab23786df2d1e0837f72476fba113417f
Employers: We don't want affirmative action, we want to hire based on the best qualified!
Also Employers: She has an African/Asian/Eastern European/Etc name, let's not interview her.