
Kind of ghosted by hiring manager at company

I applied for a position and got a zoom interview two days later. The manager sounded excited to have me on board, and from what I could tell they're pretty desperate for people. He said everything sounded good and that he'd get with his manager about an in-person interview “next week”. This was all last Thursday, I know I'm probably overreacting but I was expecting some kind of phone call or email follow-up, hell I was expecting an interview as soon as the week started because there are only two other people doing the job I applied for currently. I know this is a bit rant-y but I'm sick and tired of poor communication from companies.

I applied for a position and got a zoom interview two days later. The manager sounded excited to have me on board, and from what I could tell they're pretty desperate for people. He said everything sounded good and that he'd get with his manager about an in-person interview “next week”. This was all last Thursday, I know I'm probably overreacting but I was expecting some kind of phone call or email follow-up, hell I was expecting an interview as soon as the week started because there are only two other people doing the job I applied for currently. I know this is a bit rant-y but I'm sick and tired of poor communication from companies.

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