
Never not in pure awe at how people so willingly let their lives revolve around work.

Just got asked by my manager if I’ll be taking my laptop with me when I go out of town tomorrow to which I gave a flat “no”. Why am I going out of town? To spend time with my family. My cousin died 3 days ago. And yea they know. But what that tells me is this lady, if she were in my shoes, would take her laptop with her and be surrounded by her grieving family…working. I’m not surprised though. This same manager got butthurt when I said I’m not putting my work email on my phone and declined to get a company phone. She was perplexed when I didn’t show up to the after-work company happy hour because I was with my actual friends. Like do people like this lady not realize work is literally just her life? Or do they know and have just accepted defeat?…

Just got asked by my manager if I’ll be taking my laptop with me when I go out of town tomorrow to which I gave a flat “no”. Why am I going out of town? To spend time with my family. My cousin died 3 days ago. And yea they know.

But what that tells me is this lady, if she were in my shoes, would take her laptop with her and be surrounded by her grieving family…working.

I’m not surprised though. This same manager got butthurt when I said I’m not putting my work email on my phone and declined to get a company phone. She was perplexed when I didn’t show up to the after-work company happy hour because I was with my actual friends.

Like do people like this lady not realize work is literally just her life? Or do they know and have just accepted defeat? I genuinely want to understand.

Sorry, just wanted to rant after my dumbass manager truly thought I was gonna be pumping out work with my family crying in the background.

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