
My previous boss wrote literaly “bullshit” in my recommendation letter

Recently, the recommendation letter that my previous boss wrote for me a year ago was shared with me. I just read it and I can't believe what he wrote: “Sometimes, however, he might be a bit more stubborn and reluctant to take (sorry for the expression) bullshit.” The rest of the letter is great, thank you I guess. I got the job, and I am really happy with my current situation. But this was something really unexpected (and the ones who read the letter in my current company are still laughting about it). Why in the hell someone would phrase that in this way? Do you also had the chance to read recommendation letters, and if so, what is the most hilarious thing you read?

Recently, the recommendation letter that my previous boss wrote for me a year ago was shared with me. I just read it and I can't believe what he wrote:

“Sometimes, however, he might be a bit more stubborn and reluctant to take (sorry for the expression) bullshit.”

The rest of the letter is great, thank you I guess. I got the job, and I am really happy with my current situation. But this was something really unexpected (and the ones who read the letter in my current company are still laughting about it). Why in the hell someone would phrase that in this way?

Do you also had the chance to read recommendation letters, and if so, what is the most hilarious thing you read?

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