
What would you change about your job if you had the power to do so?

Me? I’d change that stupid attendance tracking system. Anyone who stays overtime gets compensated automatically and doesn’t need to apply for it and waits for approval. I’d offer free food and beverages or at least some decent eating place with reasonable prices. I’d do something about the hierarchy, in my place, if you’re anything less than a PhD, you’re nothing. Not sure what I’m gonna do. I’d fire lots of corrupt scientists who doesn’t add any value to the institution and only consumes up the products.

Me? I’d change that stupid attendance tracking system. Anyone who stays overtime gets compensated automatically and doesn’t need to apply for it and waits for approval.

I’d offer free food and beverages or at least some decent eating place with reasonable prices.

I’d do something about the hierarchy, in my place, if you’re anything less than a PhD, you’re nothing. Not sure what I’m gonna do.
I’d fire lots of corrupt scientists who doesn’t add any value to the institution and only consumes up the products.

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