
Infiltrating the Enemy (Okay Not Really)

So, I'm obviously a member of this subreddit and also part of the Anti-Work group on Facebook. But, I also joined what is essentially a networking group for women. At least, that's what it's advertised as. What it really is, is “Rich women complain about their husbands and that they're not richer.” It's absolutely mind-boggling the sheer disconnect some of these people have. Like 75% of the posts boil down to either “I have too much money and I don't know what to do with it :(” or “My spouse makes less than me, should I divorce them??” Obviously, I don't share my anti-work sentiments there, at least not overtly, because I need the networking aspect if I'm going to get a half-decent job. (The whole point of me joining the group, really) But tonight I slipped up and commented on a post about how money isn't evil. I said…

So, I'm obviously a member of this subreddit and also part of the Anti-Work group on Facebook. But, I also joined what is essentially a networking group for women. At least, that's what it's advertised as.

What it really is, is “Rich women complain about their husbands and that they're not richer.”

It's absolutely mind-boggling the sheer disconnect some of these people have. Like 75% of the posts boil down to either “I have too much money and I don't know what to do with it :(” or “My spouse makes less than me, should I divorce them??”

Obviously, I don't share my anti-work sentiments there, at least not overtly, because I need the networking aspect if I'm going to get a half-decent job. (The whole point of me joining the group, really) But tonight I slipped up and commented on a post about how money isn't evil. I said that money isn't evil, greed is, but from my experience as a lowly customer service worker that the more money a person has and the bigger the house they live in, the more likely they are to cause me a panic attack because I won't bend to their whims.

The OP of the post came back and tried to argue with me. She essentially came back with “not all millionaires!!” and finally agreed to my points (that greed is evil, I know some rich people do good, but a lot of them get greedy and cause people like me to have miserable lives) when I mentioned that I grew up rich. Once she saw that I'm a “temporarily embarrassed millionaire”, she changed her tune.

I just can't understand how some of these people are so disconnected from the world. They really do just live in their little money bubbles.

Even worse is when, on the rare occasion, a “normal person” makes a post about “I worry about finances because I'm struggling, does anyone have any resources?” They all just parrot the typical, “GET CERTIFICATIONS, GO BACK TO SCHOOL, START A BUSINESS, PULL YOURSELF UP BY YOUR BOOTSTRAPS”.

I've met some great gals in that group, but god is it exhausting and infuriating to see all that wasted on these…people.

I don't even want to think about how much good they could do if they let go of their wealth-hoarding mentalities. Because that is a truly depressing thought.

EDIT because I forgot: When asked for “resources” or help, the most common answer is “Get a better job” as if I can just walk outside and pluck one off the damn ground.

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