
I had my first seizure on Saturday. Naturally, my job threatened to terminate me for missing work.

So to put the long story short, I have been dealing with migraines for a long time now (since about 14) and I have post concussive disorder. Long family history of Neurological problems including seizures, Epilepsy, migraines, and more. I have been reaching a point where I am basically at 25 to 30 pain days a month. No fun, but I kind of live with it as best I can. But now living is me going to get infusions every week and a half or so of what they lovingly call the 'migraine cocktail' to get rid of the cycle of a week or more of pain. On Saturday I had two trips to the emergency room via the ambulance, the first from muscle spasms, pinched nerve, and migraine. The second muscle spasms, pinched nerve, and complex migraine leading to a non-epileptic seizure (brand new for me) which I had…

So to put the long story short, I have been dealing with migraines for a long time now (since about 14) and I have post concussive disorder. Long family history of Neurological problems including seizures, Epilepsy, migraines, and more. I have been reaching a point where I am basically at 25 to 30 pain days a month. No fun, but I kind of live with it as best I can. But now living is me going to get infusions every week and a half or so of what they lovingly call the 'migraine cocktail' to get rid of the cycle of a week or more of pain.

On Saturday I had two trips to the emergency room via the ambulance, the first from muscle spasms, pinched nerve, and migraine. The second muscle spasms, pinched nerve, and complex migraine leading to a non-epileptic seizure (brand new for me) which I had a total of five of over the night. Two they treated in the hospital, which they gave me Ativan for, and they had to report to DMV and revoke my driving privileges on my license for at least six months until I am seizure free.

Now I summarized a lot of health stuff to tell you I came back on Tuesday, to be told this is an unexcused absence at work, even with a doctor's note (well, hospital note) and I might be terminated by 5 PM Friday. That's right folks, my seizure and the following up with doctors wasn't EXCUSED. Because I had to be out for more than three days, and inconvenience to the company and all that. But if I file paperwork with their third party for a leave of absence it might save my precious job if approved!

How dare I nearly die unexcused after all!

Anyways, just needed to anonymously vent on this. I'm trying to gather my thoughts, I've done what I can from my end to protect myself. This company's HR has failed me from the start so nothing new, so AMA you may wanna know. I'm an open book to the degree I can be of course.

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