
Quit My Toxic job and have never been happier

Just a shoutout to people who are stuck in a toxic job. I worked at a horrible job, I stayed for the benefits. Was extremely stressed, worked tons of overtime and it was seriously affecting my health and homelife. I missed my kids and regularly cried on the way to or from work from the stress. It all came to a head when I needed time off for family reasons. After all that I had given to the company, they wouldn't give me the full amount I needed so I quit. I had a bit of savings and my husband thankfully was in a position to pick up some of my smaller bills. Ended being off about 6 months, my health improved, I got to be a better parent to my three kids and I felt the stress lift away. I started applying for jobs. I got a couple of…

Just a shoutout to people who are stuck in a toxic job. I worked at a horrible job, I stayed for the benefits. Was extremely stressed, worked tons of overtime and it was seriously affecting my health and homelife. I missed my kids and regularly cried on the way to or from work from the stress.

It all came to a head when I needed time off for family reasons. After all that I had given to the company, they wouldn't give me the full amount I needed so I quit. I had a bit of savings and my husband thankfully was in a position to pick up some of my smaller bills. Ended being off about 6 months, my health improved, I got to be a better parent to my three kids and I felt the stress lift away.

I started applying for jobs. I got a couple of offers, but declined them as they were very similar to the job I left. I literally felt sick thinking about working in the same type of job – I just couldn't put myself in that unhealthy position again.

My savings was dwindling and I was admittedly getting a bit stressed and considering just sucking it up and getting one of those jobs. Then folks I landed an amazing job. Totally nowhere I ever thought I'd work, but it has me using skills that I love to use, the people are awesome, always smiling, no yelling or toxic traits. They LOVE me and I find myself smiling on the drive home. The pay is a bit lower, but it's regular instead of full commission.

I just want people who feel stuck in a toxic job to know that somewhere out there is a job that is made for you. There are so many horrible workplaces but I found a place that treats its employees well. Sometimes the risk is worth it.

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