
Why be poor and abused when you can just be poor?

People can tolerate being abused or working long hours if it puts food on the table, and nice house. People cannot afford the bills or rent as it is without budgeting or having to go without certain things that make us happy. In many cases even that is not enough. There is not one county in the USA where the minimum wage can pay rent for the most basic/smallest of apartments. No matter how hard you save or budget. So what's the point if you are just going to be BROKE anyway? The whole purpose of working is to provide those necessities and happiness. Back in the day, a single female bus driver can raise her kid and still afford a decent house, and even have a little bit of vacation time. Nowadays, you cannot do that. Why work if working is not going to reward us? People expect to…

People can tolerate being abused or working long hours if it puts food on the table, and nice house. People cannot afford the bills or rent as it is without budgeting or having to go without certain things that make us happy. In many cases even that is not enough. There is not one county in the USA where the minimum wage can pay rent for the most basic/smallest of apartments. No matter how hard you save or budget. So what's the point if you are just going to be BROKE anyway? The whole purpose of working is to provide those necessities and happiness. Back in the day, a single female bus driver can raise her kid and still afford a decent house, and even have a little bit of vacation time. Nowadays, you cannot do that. Why work if working is not going to reward us? People expect to be rewarded for their work. It gives a sense of pride and accomplishment. It makes you feel successful. If you are working and still cannot afford all those necessities and cannot even have time for yourself, hobbies, or family, then why be broke, miserable, and abused all at once? Why not just be poor, and not be miserable or abused at the same time? Being abused is tolerable. I was in the military. We got paid well and taken well care of. I can handle a little bit of abuse or discomfort…but when I am not taken care of or if I cannot provide for myself, or even afford a freaking car note, then there is zero reason to put up with the abuse. I cannot afford to move out of my parents or even get a used vehicle, let alone a new one. Why suffer from an abusive employer if I still cannot afford those things even as the Cost of Living goes up, rent goes up, and price of goods go up? If it is an amazing well paying job, that allows me to afford all those things, it is different. Its another story. I can tolerate it then. But not abuse + poverty at the same time. I can deal with poverty, and I can deal with abuse. But not both at once.

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