
My hiring manager told me not to discuss my negotiated pay rate because it would make “others upset”

Just like the title says, upon negotiating a lowly rate of $13 USD/hr for a summer entry IT job, he told me not to discuss this with other because it could make them upset. He also told me, during the negotiation, that he would compare it to another female employee with a similar background… but why not other males? I’m a curious cat, and plan on discussing wages with my coworkers regardless, so I’m wondering what I should do when I -inevitably- get upset that my (male) counterparts are likely getting paid more.

Just like the title says, upon negotiating a lowly rate of $13 USD/hr for a summer entry IT job, he told me not to discuss this with other because it could make them upset. He also told me, during the negotiation, that he would compare it to another female employee with a similar background… but why not other males?

I’m a curious cat, and plan on discussing wages with my coworkers regardless, so I’m wondering what I should do when I -inevitably- get upset that my (male) counterparts are likely getting paid more.

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