
Make the cycle work for you

Don’t know if any one else experiences this but I have a tendency of getting bored of my job after I’ve learned everything about the position and pretty much have the job mastered. I don’t know if it’s that I get bored of the people and fake “friendships” work forces upon you, if I just get bored of the job itself, or if it all just boils down to a combination of hating the 40 hour work week model and social anxiety. I’m 25 at this point and probably have been trained in about 15 different positions and due to all this accumulated “experience” I rarely get turned down for positions. The biggest issue with this is I’ve hit a breaking point where I can’t get past 22 dollars an hour. I’m very happy to be making this as someone who dropped out of college but have bigger goals for…

Don’t know if any one else experiences this but I have a tendency of getting bored of my job after I’ve learned everything about the position and pretty much have the job mastered. I don’t know if it’s that I get bored of the people and fake “friendships” work forces upon you, if I just get bored of the job itself, or if it all just boils down to a combination of hating the 40 hour work week model and social anxiety. I’m 25 at this point and probably have been trained in about 15 different positions and due to all this accumulated “experience” I rarely get turned down for positions. The biggest issue with this is I’ve hit a breaking point where I can’t get past 22 dollars an hour. I’m very happy to be making this as someone who dropped out of college but have bigger goals for myself than this 40k a year cap I’ve found myself in.

Neither of my parents have ever made as much as me and granted there was inflation in the job market, if I had a vehicle 3 years ago before the pandemic I would have has access to these same jobs with the same pay areas if not a dollar or 2 less maybe. I primarily work in manufacturing and 15-25 dollar an hour has been standard for years now if you have a vehicle to get to and from work. If your like me and can’t seem to hold a job for more than 3-4 months without convincing yourself to quit. Tweak your resume to add all of your experience and training under a handful of employers rather than listing 15 different employers. What I like to do is list the different experience and trainings I had in like different work “genres” per say. Like lump all of my cashier experience, manufacturing, and construction jobs into there own sections.

I’ve always been a great employee and the companies I leave almost always try and work things out with me to get me to stay. This may not work for everyone but it will work for those who are good talkers to. It’s true what they say about delusional confidence. There are idiots at all levels of the worlds, it’s all bout tap dancing your way up these levels. This great resignation and the pandemic is the best thing to happen to workers since unionization. We can finally leverage ourselves the same way these companies will leverage against us to pay low wages and give shit raises for literal years of your life. If your sick of where you work now put out applications and spruce your resume to suit the jobs your applying for. I have 4 different resumes depending on the type of job I’m applying to. Take advantage of these times because it’s truly the people who can grab these corporations by the balls and we could all live comfortably. The people who are workaholics will continue to do so but the people who want more than a life of indentured servitude should be able to do so without having there lives fall apart. You should be able to survive and work part time so you can still balance your life if you want without losing your home and stuff.

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