
What’s your financial escape plan?

I hate working, I knew it since the day after I turned 18 when I got my first job. I instantly knew that it was not what I want to be doing for the next 40-50 years of my life. I worked all through out college (30-35 a week) and recently graduated debt free with the money that I made plus little grants and scholarships here and there. I’m currently paying off my parent’s mortgage, I’ve been doing it for the past one and a half year now, and has about 5 months to go before it’s paid off. My immigrant parents work minimum wage jobs and I grew up dirt poor and it was something that I promised myself that I’d do for us once I am able to. After that I plan on saving up a huge deposit on my own home (a condo) and working to to…

I hate working, I knew it since the day after I turned 18 when I got my first job. I instantly knew that it was not what I want to be doing for the next 40-50 years of my life. I worked all through out college (30-35 a week) and recently graduated debt free with the money that I made plus little grants and scholarships here and there. I’m currently paying off my parent’s mortgage, I’ve been doing it for the past one and a half year now, and has about 5 months to go before it’s paid off. My immigrant parents work minimum wage jobs and I grew up dirt poor and it was something that I promised myself that I’d do for us once I am able to. After that I plan on saving up a huge deposit on my own home (a condo) and working to to pay it off as soon as possible. After that I plan on working around 25 hours a week to sustain my simple lifestyle and travel. I am always working and rarely hang out with my friends and doesn’t spend any money on myself. I am very burned out and is starting to become unmotivated. I sometime feel like I’m the only one doing this and sacrificing my youth for my future finances. However I know that there are many others just like me. I know that I’m going to thank myself in the near future and it’s all going to be worth it but I’m just kinda in a hole mentally right now. So I’d just like to hear some of your stories. What’s your financial escape plan and what are you currently doing to achieve financial freedom?

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