
Friend needs 5 references for job he already interviewed for

And he lied about those references. He is now having anxiety about them finding out that he put friends and family as references. He put his dad and his brother as references (they have the same last name but he made up fake ones). He provided real phone numbers, mine included. I immediately got an automated text asking for permission to send me texts regarding my friend. I said yes to accept, but a message came up saying I may be charged so I declined. His dad said that may have been a bad idea as they may be able to look up the real last names via phone search/online. He really wanted this job and is going to be so upset if he doesn't get it because of this. Fuck work culture, fuck HR, fuck 5 references after interview already took place, fuck 5 days a week, fuck 8…

And he lied about those references. He is now having anxiety about them finding out that he put friends and family as references.

He put his dad and his brother as references (they have the same last name but he made up fake ones). He provided real phone numbers, mine included. I immediately got an automated text asking for permission to send me texts regarding my friend. I said yes to accept, but a message came up saying I may be charged so I declined.

His dad said that may have been a bad idea as they may be able to look up the real last names via phone search/online.

He really wanted this job and is going to be so upset if he doesn't get it because of this.

Fuck work culture, fuck HR, fuck 5 references after interview already took place, fuck 5 days a week, fuck 8 hour days.

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