
red flags??

Background: I'm a bartender/shift lead for a local brewery/bar that has 3 locations. Every bartender is expected to be able to cut off intoxicated guests, but it's the shift leads responsibility to remove hostile/potentially hostile guests from the property. So, a regular (I'll call him J) who is known for getting too sloppy was cut off at one location and told the bartender (F) that we would be going to one of our other locations to get served. That bartender then called the location this gentleman would be going to and informed the shift lead on duty(I'll call him E) that this man was cut off and not to serve him. our company claims we have a policy of if you're cut off at one location, you're cut off at all locations. E told the other bartender working with him (I'll call her B) about the situation. J shows up,…

Background: I'm a bartender/shift lead for a local brewery/bar that has 3 locations. Every bartender is expected to be able to cut off intoxicated guests, but it's the shift leads responsibility to remove hostile/potentially hostile guests from the property. So, a regular (I'll call him J) who is known for getting too sloppy was cut off at one location and told the bartender (F) that we would be going to one of our other locations to get served. That bartender then called the location this gentleman would be going to and informed the shift lead on duty(I'll call him E) that this man was cut off and not to serve him. our company claims we have a policy of if you're cut off at one location, you're cut off at all locations. E told the other bartender working with him (I'll call her B) about the situation. J shows up, and what does E do? Serves him a beer. B questions him doing this, but E essentially shuts her down. J knocks over his half-full beer, breaking the glass, and E proceeds to get him another beer. B voiced her concern about this, and again she was shuf down. J then goes ahead and makes very crude remarks to B and then sexually assaults B by grabbing her and grabbing her ass (note, it IS sexual assault when a person is physically touched/violated without consent). E watches this whole thing, sees how distraught B is and does nothing. B is super upset and tells him to gtfo-something the shift lead should've done before serving him in the first place.

Now, myself, F, and B bring this incident up to our owners/management. They act like they are upset with E and there will be action taken. However, 3 months later nothing has been done and when I had a meeting with them to go over other stuff I brought up the matter again and they tried to downplay the whole thing and say E hasn't done anything wrong. I tell them that I need to know that I work for a company that takes negligence, sexual assault, and especially negligence that leads to sexual assault seriously. They tell me they don't believe anyone was assaulted and B could've kept J away from her (mind you, B is maybe 90lbs and very small compared the beefy, 5'10 man that grabbed and groped her). I explained to them exactly how it was assault and it wasn't even B's responsibility to remove J and E failed to do what was expected of him and it lead to his coworker/someone he was responsible for getting molested and traumatized.

Red flag for this company?

Also, these owners have stated to me on a couple occasions that we need to have more team meetings that we won't be paid for attending in addition to telling me they expect us to always be “on the clock” even when we are not scheduled or clocked in.

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