
my coworker called me a n******

Im white, btw. Working at a small office. One of the boomers was complaining, saying that “Karen is just as bad as n******.” (His wife's name is Karen, and if she's anything like him, they fit the stereotype) Anyway, I light heartedly laughed and said “it certainly is not even close to being similar.” Then I said “you're being a real Karen.” With zero hesitation; “yeah? Well you're being a real n**. F**** millennials.” My jaw dropped, and my other boomer boss was right there – pretending he didn't hear. I followed up with the boss later asking if he planned on taking any action. All I got was a half assed apology. Anyway, I got a new job next week that pays $9.50 more per hour. I don't care to follow up with any action… just wanted to share.

Im white, btw. Working at a small office. One of the boomers was complaining, saying that “Karen is just as bad as n******.” (His wife's name is Karen, and if she's anything like him, they fit the stereotype)

Anyway, I light heartedly laughed and said “it certainly is not even close to being similar.” Then I said “you're being a real Karen.”

With zero hesitation; “yeah? Well you're being a real n**. F**** millennials.”

My jaw dropped, and my other boomer boss was right there – pretending he didn't hear.

I followed up with the boss later asking if he planned on taking any action. All I got was a half assed apology.

Anyway, I got a new job next week that pays $9.50 more per hour. I don't care to follow up with any action… just wanted to share.

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