
It’s ok to bite the hand that feeds.

This was about 5 years ago when I worked at a national pizza chain where the colors are red and blue. It was a small town and I really liked most of my coworkers and even my boss. I didn't “steal” from the company, exactly. But I made sure customers benefitted from me as well as myself. For example: one time a customer called in their order and when they came to pick it up they chose to add drinks to the order. I added the drinks and then added a discount to their order, essentially making their order cheaper even after the drinks. When they asked why it was cheaper I gave them a look and a wink. They were SO gracious and complimented me to the manager, while keeping our interaction a secret. I did this for everyone when my manager wasn't close enough to see it. I…

This was about 5 years ago when I worked at a national pizza chain where the colors are red and blue. It was a small town and I really liked most of my coworkers and even my boss. I didn't “steal” from the company, exactly. But I made sure customers benefitted from me as well as myself. For example: one time a customer called in their order and when they came to pick it up they chose to add drinks to the order. I added the drinks and then added a discount to their order, essentially making their order cheaper even after the drinks. When they asked why it was cheaper I gave them a look and a wink. They were SO gracious and complimented me to the manager, while keeping our interaction a secret.
I did this for everyone when my manager wasn't close enough to see it. I justified this by saying that I was encouraging their repeat business by giving them good deals. How did I help myself? I was a single mom at the time and whenever someone would come in the store to order I would put their order under my account so that I could keep the rewards points. Every six work days I would be awarded a free pizza. It was NICE. Play the system that plays you, people.

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