
Today I’ve walked out from my job

I've had enough. I'm upset , sad and feel mixed up. I was already working 2 persons load, cut my hours and days because the owners wanted to save profit. I can understand that but they were running a failing business and had stupid things to top it. I've had another guy with me,. Student for Friday Saturday when it was busy but they basically got rid of him and I had more shit to do. All alone. I work in a kitchen by myself. One man army. Anyway, had my lunch and basically got a shitload to do list. Top that I'm being watched on camera if I'm working.( Had a call like wtf am I doing, just because I was eating…can you imagine?) Let me tell you, front of house does nothing except they are on the phone. Can't blame them if we have no customers. Me? I…

I've had enough. I'm upset , sad and feel mixed up. I was already working 2 persons load, cut my hours and days because the owners wanted to save profit. I can understand that but they were running a failing business and had stupid things to top it. I've had another guy with me,. Student for Friday Saturday when it was busy but they basically got rid of him and I had more shit to do. All alone. I work in a kitchen by myself. One man army. Anyway, had my lunch and basically got a shitload to do list. Top that I'm being watched on camera if I'm working.( Had a call like wtf am I doing, just because I was eating…can you imagine?)

Let me tell you, front of house does nothing except they are on the phone. Can't blame them if we have no customers. Me? I always have something to do, especially because I'm on my own. So basically I was already mad , start of work I had my lunch because freezer broke down tried to save stuff , some of them had to be cooked asap, health and safety comes first. So i took the opportunity to eat , standing . I then began writing the order, which I already fucking wrote down days before , because half the menu is not available. Half of the fking menu!!! People walked away because I can't even make a freaking salad LOL. So anyway, boss calls me about the order. It's already too late in my opinion, I should have already had them, we have a discount for Tonight. Usually full house , again, half the menu is missing. So basically my boss calls me regarding the order, and check for stuff. I was looking around what else have I missed and said that we need this and that. Not urgent like go to the shop , but we will need it. So restaurant manager. Gets mad because has to go shopping. We haven't got salt in a kitchen. Freaking salt. Anyway, boss got mad and pissed, and started shouting and swearing. I told my boss to stop talking to me like that, I gave no reasons for it. Snapped like a twig , and hanged up on me. So Okey. Icalled my gf, I told her that I had enough of this shit and I'm going home. We are already late with rent and got 0 savings, nothing to eat. I was expecting today's money but I'm not going to humiliate myself for money.. I'm a human being. I deserve respect and to be treated the same way I treat others. I give everyone respect and I try not to offend people. But this shit? No no. I got 3 trial shift for this week and some of the almost pays me double. And I won't be working alone. So they can fuck off and sink with that shit.

I'm really pissed because I'm making money for them and not the other way around. I can make profit and save money , it's a freaking kitchen , if it's done smart it can be done the right way. Or you can also just cut the opening hours to busy periods of the day , but again your employees get shit nothing to prep and get the place ready…Insane.

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