
I strongly dislike American politics

I feel like it's all a waste of my fucking time. I used to care about it all so much. I was a strong Bernie supporter in 2016. I strongly believed in free healthcare, lower college tuition, ending the wars, freeing non-violent drug offenders, raising the minimum wage, equal laws for the LGBTQ community, ending police brutality, making more higher paying jobs and career options for everyone, better more lenient immigration laws, affordable mental health treatment and in general stuff that will help the working class. Yet, most of my friends and family are strong Biden supporters who call themselves “moderates”. They think my ideas are unrealistic and in order to get anything done in our government we must compromise with the Republicans. I'm sick of it all so much. I feel like nothing ever gets done, no one takes my political views seriously enough, I'm too pessimistic etc. I…

I feel like it's all a waste of my fucking time. I used to care about it all so much. I was a strong Bernie supporter in 2016. I strongly believed in free healthcare, lower college tuition, ending the wars, freeing non-violent drug offenders, raising the minimum wage, equal laws for the LGBTQ community, ending police brutality, making more higher paying jobs and career options for everyone, better more lenient immigration laws, affordable mental health treatment and in general stuff that will help the working class. Yet, most of my friends and family are strong Biden supporters who call themselves “moderates”. They think my ideas are unrealistic and in order to get anything done in our government we must compromise with the Republicans. I'm sick of it all so much. I feel like nothing ever gets done, no one takes my political views seriously enough, I'm too pessimistic etc. I feel like someone such as myself wasn't meant for politics. It is supposed to be these incremental, small changes and I'm just not patient enough for it at all. It's so frustrating for me. So lately, I have completely ignored politics altogether for more than a year and a half. I don't vote or discuss or anything anymore. I am “checked out” of the American political system. In all honesty, it feels great. No more of the bullshit and I keep it all to myself mostly. Can anyone relate? Am I wrong for thinking this way? Should I be more optimistic about Biden and what he envisions for our country?

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