
Should I Feel Bad For Not Giving Much Notice?

I’m about to get a new job, start Monday. I have a lot of extra bills this month and the next, and I’m simply not being paid enough to pay for them, meaning my bills alone are more than my paycheck, not including food, gas, recreation. I found a job that pays me over $10 more. A little context of why I’m conflicted about this. I found out recently I was being paid $2 less than a new hire, and I work at all stores while they were hired for one. They had a work party (a lot of new hires because most people leave due to the pay and policies and false promises) and gave each person and their friends (who don’t work there) each a $300 item, gift cards, and other expensive items; my coworker and I couldn’t make it, and we got nothing. Part of the reason…

I’m about to get a new job, start Monday. I have a lot of extra bills this month and the next, and I’m simply not being paid enough to pay for them, meaning my bills alone are more than my paycheck, not including food, gas, recreation. I found a job that pays me over $10 more.

A little context of why I’m conflicted about this. I found out recently I was being paid $2 less than a new hire, and I work at all stores while they were hired for one. They had a work party (a lot of new hires because most people leave due to the pay and policies and false promises) and gave each person and their friends (who don’t work there) each a $300 item, gift cards, and other expensive items; my coworker and I couldn’t make it, and we got nothing. Part of the reason I’m leaving is that they can afford to pay me more, but because they don’t—and because I have extra bills this month—I’m barely getting by and can’t feasibly pay the ones coming up in the next few weeks if I didn’t get a new job. Some part of me feels bad about it. Should I? I haven’t even gave my notice yet. Also, in terms of management, the manager can oftentimes be passive-aggressive and sometimes, for the smallest mistakes, hyper-aggressive (yells, chews me out via text even if I’m not at work, etc.). The head of management at the chain of small businesses I work at micro-manages everything (we literally have to call him, and that’s the policy for everything), and this is in place, I believe, because the manager doesn’t want to give anyone else authority. I worked the most overtime, out of anyone, the last year, as well, and still didn’t receive a raise, although they hired someone $2 more and there are still other people with the same position that get paid more as well. This is just a small list, but there are other things that make me not care about the notice as well.

On the other hand, it is a small business, and I like my coworkers, which is why I’m conflicted.

(On mobile)

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