
Job postings for full time, but they are actually part time

Here in the Wichita area, I'm now up to seven jobs that I've applied to which were all posted as full time positions, and most of them responded very quickly so I'll give em that but upon talking to their HR person or job recruiter nope…it's part time. Man, these “no one wants to work” employers sure don't apparently want to hire anyone and try to just low ball everyone expecting to “play the numbers” and think they'll hook a ” “sucker”desperate for work.

Here in the Wichita area, I'm now up to seven jobs that I've applied to which were all posted as full time positions, and most of them responded very quickly so I'll give em that but upon talking to their HR person or job recruiter nope…it's part time. Man, these “no one wants to work” employers sure don't apparently want to hire anyone and try to just low ball everyone expecting to “play the numbers” and think they'll hook a ” “sucker”desperate for work.

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