
My manager set a spy on me

So obviously the title is a hyperbole but I definitely thought it was funny that it happened. A while ago I walked into work and clocked in and walked out onto the floor my managers and the “spy” were all in the corner talking in a circle, but I began my work folding clothes before we opened. A bit of time passed and said spy walked over to me. A little bit of background information, I only work weekends because I am busy with school. And obviously I can’t come into work during school hours. But I know we are short staffed during the week. Anyways, the spy walks over to me and asks me how schools is. Oddly specific considering we both go to school in the area but okay. I explain it’s stressful and I’m overwhelmed with classes. (I take more classes than required during the day) I…

So obviously the title is a hyperbole but I definitely thought it was funny that it happened. A while ago I walked into work and clocked in and walked out onto the floor my managers and the “spy” were all in the corner talking in a circle, but I began my work folding clothes before we opened. A bit of time passed and said spy walked over to me. A little bit of background information, I only work weekends because I am busy with school. And obviously I can’t come into work during school hours. But I know we are short staffed during the week.

Anyways, the spy walks over to me and asks me how schools is. Oddly specific considering we both go to school in the area but okay. I explain it’s stressful and I’m overwhelmed with classes. (I take more classes than required during the day) I tell her this is why I only work weekends. She walks away and goes back over to my manager. My manager makes a beeline for me and asks me this: “so I heard you’re busy with school.” Woah wait a minute lol. Why are you guys obsessed with my schedule. I explain that I am. She tells me if I’m able to work during the week that would be appreciated. I thank her for the offer but decline because of my school schedule.

My manager blew her cover by saying that. I guess she’s not a very good spy agent. Needless to say I felt like I just took part in some counter intelligence operation. And working my boring retail job it gave me something to think about at work. It was kind of weird that she couldn just ask me herself and felt the need to get someone who she thought I’d be honest with lmao.

I’m not mad or anything I just thought it was kind of funny and noticed others sharing crazy manager stories.

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