
My work might be implementing a webcam policy, and if they do I’ll probably quit

I work from home at a customer service job doing phones and chats. My boss has been asking us (the customer service agents) whether or not we have a webcam and whether it’s attached to a laptop or desktop. I have adhd, in order to focus I must be doing a lot of things at once. Fidgeting, watching YouTube, getting up from my desk, etc along with work. It works for me. But if they implement this camera policy, I can’t do any of that because it will be deemed as “unprofessional.” I’m terrified. I have been working here for a year and a half just because I have the freedom to watch YouTube, go on my phone, and get up while I’m working. Are they even allowed to record us? I live in Canada

I work from home at a customer service job doing phones and chats. My boss has been asking us (the customer service agents) whether or not we have a webcam and whether it’s attached to a laptop or desktop. I have adhd, in order to focus I must be doing a lot of things at once. Fidgeting, watching YouTube, getting up from my desk, etc along with work. It works for me. But if they implement this camera policy, I can’t do any of that because it will be deemed as “unprofessional.”
I’m terrified. I have been working here for a year and a half just because I have the freedom to watch YouTube, go on my phone, and get up while I’m working. Are they even allowed to record us? I live in Canada

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