Boss A has a wife who co-produced and wrote an independent film. It is culturally significant and I do have an interest in seeing it but it is also sad in nature and is the kind of film you have to be mentally prepared for.
Boss B tells us Friday afternoon over email that we are all going to see a showing of this film on Valentine’s evening outside of work hours.
Me personally, I have no significant other and will not be doing anything on Valentine’s Day nor do I ever really care for it, but it seems so strange that we are basically being forced into watching this depressing moving on such short notice when typically you would be spending it with loved ones. We weren’t asked in advance if anyone had interest in going.
I don’t know if I will attend as I want to support Boss A’s wife as she is an amazing lady, but it feels so strange to me like I shouldn’t on principle alone. Any other day would have been better.