America’s lack of family leave policies is bull. Neither my husband nor I get any family leave benefits from our jobs. We’ve been scrimping and scraping to save enough money for me to take 2 months off work and him 2 weeks. Just enough to pay our bills, nothing left over, and be able to have some bonding time with our son due in 3 weeks.
We did our taxes this weekend. We owe 2k$. That’s 2/3 of the money we scrimped and scraped to save. We have no way to pay but to use that money we saved. My husband will not be able to take any time off now. And I will have to return to work three weeks after delivery.
Why have we been putting up with this for so long?! I can’t stand that fact that I’m stuck living in this backwards hole of a country.
“America the great” my a**.
We need to fight for changes and soon.