
Why Netflix Bombing is a Wonderful Thing for Antiwork

There's been this sort of social contract with capitalism where everyone is just supposed to participate. Marketing is the tool businesses use to manipulate us. Every movie you watch, product you buy, and service you use is a piece of information being used by companies to track you and then respond to what you like so that it can manipulate you. It's an aggressive covert mission to get into your head and figure out how to get you to give them your money. But people saying no to Netflix shows a glimmer of hope for the future. Imagine if people decide to just not participate in the process. Imagine if companies like CNN are trying to capture what you want but they are calling on deaf ears. This is what Antiwork is all about. It's about saying no to the predators out there who want to use you. Their biggest…

There's been this sort of social contract with capitalism where everyone is just supposed to participate. Marketing is the tool businesses use to manipulate us. Every movie you watch, product you buy, and service you use is a piece of information being used by companies to track you and then respond to what you like so that it can manipulate you. It's an aggressive covert mission to get into your head and figure out how to get you to give them your money.

But people saying no to Netflix shows a glimmer of hope for the future. Imagine if people decide to just not participate in the process. Imagine if companies like CNN are trying to capture what you want but they are calling on deaf ears.

This is what Antiwork is all about. It's about saying no to the predators out there who want to use you. Their biggest weakness is they don't own you. They can only try to influence you. Therefore, if they reach out and there's nothing for them to grab, they start to lose touch.

I think this is what's happening to Netflix. They have been on top of the world during Covid, and now people are leaving and their stocks are crashing. It is cathartic to know that people are willing to throw away the things they think are essential. I deleted my Netflix account the day I heard about the password crackdown. I won't play their game anymore. I'm done and never going back.

If the same attitude is applied to work, we see all these angry business owners and managers acting the way we see on this subreddit everyday. I see stuff like “young people are lazy” “No one wants to work!” Yeah that's right. We don't want to play your game. It's time we play our own.

Idk about you but it's the most cathartic shit ever.

I understand this is a bit of a stretch, but I just think Netflix bombing is a reflection of positive change in capitalist attitudes. The social contract is starting to be burnt away in my eyes. Where we will go next, I don't know.

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