
Do you ever have trouble distinguishing if it’s you or your employer?

Look, I get it. As things are now, it’s not possible to just not work and have a reasonably good standard of living. I’ve already posted about this job. I decided to stay because my boss has been less snarky, since a last-minute, poorly-planned event has now passed and she isn’t as stressed. However: I’ve been talking to a newer coworker who is older than me. She told me (without me prompting) that she oscillates between staying and leaving every day. I do this too. Sometimes it doesn’t seem that bad, and I should feel happy to be employed at a job where people tell me I’m indispensable and “can never leave.” Other times it’s alarming how many people have quit (just since my coworker started in October, 4 out of 10 people have quit.) She asked me, “who is the common denominator here?” She often tells me I don’t…

Look, I get it. As things are now, it’s not possible to just not work and have a reasonably good standard of living.

I’ve already posted about this job. I decided to stay because my boss has been less snarky, since a last-minute, poorly-planned event has now passed and she isn’t as stressed. However:

I’ve been talking to a newer coworker who is older than me. She told me (without me prompting) that she oscillates between staying and leaving every day. I do this too. Sometimes it doesn’t seem that bad, and I should feel happy to be employed at a job where people tell me I’m indispensable and “can never leave.” Other times it’s alarming how many people have quit (just since my coworker started in October, 4 out of 10 people have quit.) She asked me, “who is the common denominator here?” She often tells me I don’t have enough support in my role and that she doesn’t understand how I put up with my workload or with my supervisor, who is a major micromanager.

The problem is, I’m really burnt out and so I’m not as attentive as I normally would be. I keep making silly mistakes, and my boss calls me out on them, but that almost makes me more resentful? Sometimes she’s totally right and other times it’s because I didn’t fulfill an assignment according to her EXACT specifications, which are mostly just her own personal preferences. Like I feel like it takes two to tango and I honestly do fuck up way more than I did when I first started out?

Anyways, I was just wondering how many of you have had similar experiences and how you go about fighting through the idea that you should stay at a job and try harder, because you honestly do mess up a lot and create extra work for your boss. As it is now, I feel so burnt out l can’t even imagine myself in a new role someplace else. I drink too much, I sleep too much, all of my creative activities have fallen to the wayside. I’m just not sure how to move forward.

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