
Boss had and issue with calling in sick, I got a little to real with him

So the other day I had to call in sick, bad stomach bug. Came in few days later to work and got pulled aside and asked why I called out. Said I was sick, and he said that calling in sick is highly frowned on and I need to be more concerned with my job if I ever want to be promoted. I frankly don’t give a damn anymore so I said if me using sick days I’ve earned is an issue he’s more than welcome to fire me right now. He was a bit shocked and said it wasn’t worth that, but I flat out told him if you fire me today or I quit I’ll have another job tomorrow. The worst thing you can do to me is fire me, worst I can do to you is quit. Haven’t spoken to him in a few days so that’s…

So the other day I had to call in sick, bad stomach bug. Came in few days later to work and got pulled aside and asked why I called out. Said I was sick, and he said that calling in sick is highly frowned on and I need to be more concerned with my job if I ever want to be promoted. I frankly don’t give a damn anymore so I said if me using sick days I’ve earned is an issue he’s more than welcome to fire me right now. He was a bit shocked and said it wasn’t worth that, but I flat out told him if you fire me today or I quit I’ll have another job tomorrow. The worst thing you can do to me is fire me, worst I can do to you is quit.
Haven’t spoken to him in a few days so that’s been nice

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