
all I do in my life now is work, pay rent, gas, bills.

This is literally my life right now at this point. I work , I get paid just to pay rent and bills. I work to make my boss rich who takes vacation and relaxes and lives his life which his kids are gonna do the same. Then I pay my rent to landlord who already owns 8 houses across GTA(greater Toronto area) which are all rented. Which his kids are gonna get it eventually. Like that's all my life now. Being born not wealthy is a punishment. Like literally I am stuck. Well done elites. This is exactly what capitalism/elites planned. Their families enjoy and we work. They planned to keep poor people on grind when they just chill and vacay around the world. Well done, you won.. idk how we gonna make this right. Am so lost.. they planned only they own houses so we never do. They made…

This is literally my life right now at this point.
I work , I get paid just to pay rent and bills.

I work to make my boss rich who takes vacation and relaxes and lives his life which his kids are gonna do the same.

Then I pay my rent to landlord who already owns 8 houses across GTA(greater Toronto area) which are all rented. Which his kids are gonna get it eventually.

Like that's all my life now. Being born not wealthy is a punishment. Like literally I am stuck. Well done elites. This is exactly what capitalism/elites planned. Their families enjoy and we work. They planned to keep poor people on grind when they just chill and vacay around the world. Well done, you won.. idk how we gonna make this right. Am so lost.. they planned only they own houses so we never do. They made properties so expensive so we never have enough to afford to buy a house. And they made everything else expensive just to make sure you ain't saving anything. Saving money gives you hope, you having hope is a sin under capitalism. Hope gives you joy , you can't have joy under this system theyve designed. This system was designed by rich people for the rich people. Why would anyone think they'd let some worker become one of them.

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