
make up your friggin’ mind!

Yesterday Me: your cabinet door sample just came in. Boss: bring it back to my desk. Me: (sets box down by his desk.) Here you go. Boss: (with snarky grin) let's unbox it, shall we? Today Me: (holding new, unboxed cabinet door sample) here's the other sample you were waiting for. Boss: I wish you'd left it in the box. Ever get the feeling that A) you just can't win and B) the Boss does this just to aggravate you?

Me: your cabinet door sample just came in.
Boss: bring it back to my desk.
Me: (sets box down by his desk.) Here you go.
Boss: (with snarky grin) let's unbox it, shall we?

Me: (holding new, unboxed cabinet door sample) here's the other sample you were waiting for.
Boss: I wish you'd left it in the box.

Ever get the feeling that A) you just can't win and B) the Boss does this just to aggravate you?

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